Newbury's Angling Arts
Fly Box - Caddis Pupa
Anchor Patterns
Anchor Patterns are your tool for getting deep or staying in contact with your rig.
Drop Dead (sexy walt's)
Drop Dead Sexy as **** and catches fish like it too. One of my top 10 fish catchers.
- Hook: Fullingmill Jig Force #10-16
- Bead: Hanak metallic pink 4.0mm.
- Thread: 50D GSP white.
- Rib: Hends perdigones pearl body #134.
- Abdomen: Natural hares mask fur and UV pine squirel blended 50-50
- Thorax: Hends Spectra #15 gray.
- Collar: Sparse, UV Tracer Squirrel Dubbing, natural gray fox.
Best For:
Fifth Element - Yellow Sally
I designed this pattern to be universal, matching many of the small amber colored stoneflies and mayflies found almost everywhere. My current #1 fish getter.
- Hook: Tactical Jig.
- Bead: Fullingmill nickel 2.8mm.
- Thread: 50D GSP white.
- Tail: Micro barred grizzly rubber legs, tan.
- Abdomen: Rusty orange micro-glint thread (Semper-Fli).
- Thorax: Hends Spectra #131.
- Collar: UV tracer squirrel flash, yellow.
- Legs: Micro grizzly barred rubber legs, amber brown
Best For:
Knuckle Dragger - Green Drake
My Knuckle Dragger series is the result of several years of design evolution resulting in a rubber legged jig that actively swims when fished under tension. The trouble with rubber legged stonefly patterns tied on jig hooks is the legs fouling around the hook bend. I fixed that issue by lengthening the forelegs and keeping the rear legs just short enough to not foul. The result was astonishing; the front legs activated lifelike motion in the fly when affixed to the tippet with a loop knot. It is the long front limbs that give the fly the name of Knuckle Dragger.
- Hook: Tactical Jig #6-14
- Bead: Metallic brown (Hanak)
- Thread: 50D GSP White
- Tail: Grizzly mottled rubber legs root beer - Hareline
- Rib: Hends half round body glass #34 Olive Brown.
- Abdomen: Olive hares mask fur.
- Thorax: Dark olive squirrel blend.
- Collar: Hends spectra #335 Dark Brown.
- Legs: Grizzly mottled rubber legs root beer - Hareline
Best For:
OG Krush Deluxe
I originally devised this as an attractor pattern, but found it highly effective during the October caddis hatches.
- Hook: Tactical Jig in both standard gap and wide gap hooks sizes 12-18.
- Bead: Slotted metallic orange tungsten bead.
- Thread: Black Veevus 50D GSP.
- Tail: Dark mottled pardo Coq de Leon (CDL). Choose feathers with heavy mottling. abdomen: Hemmingway’s Hare Dubbing orange.
- Rib: Sybai pearl orange flat tinsel.
- Thorax: Hends Spectra dubbing #35.
- Collar: Natures Spirit black hares mask dubbing.
Best For:
Pink & Pine
Super slinky triggering a strong response.
- Hook: Fulling Mill Jig Force #10-16.
- Bead: Hanak. Fl Pink.
- Thread: 50D GSP White.
- Tail: Medium Pardo coq de Leon.
- Rib: Small opalescent pearl tinsel.
- Abdomen: Natural red fox squirrel.
- Thorax: Gray fox squirrel.
- Collar: Spectra #43 and natural fox squirrel tracer dub
Best For:
Pink Bead Flame Thrower
wide gape
A euro-jig for grayling has a practical applications in the western American trout world.
- Hook: Tactical Jig.
- Bead: Metallic pink.
- Tail: Shell pink antron yarn.
- Rib: Pink UV mylar.
- Body: Gray hares mask dubbing.
- Collar: Black hareline dubbin.
Best For:
Pink Bunny Hares Ear
- Hook: Fulling Mill Jig Force #10-16.
- Bead: Hanak. Fl Pink.
- Thread: 50D GSP White.
- Tail: Medium Pardo coq de Leon.
- Rib: Small opalescent pearl tinsel.
- Abdomen: Natural hare’s mask dubbing.
- Thorax: Gray fox squirrel.
- Collar: Black hare’s mask dubbing.
Best For:
Sheila Bugger
wide gape
I brought this classic from Oregon's McKenzie River to Colorado with me, added a big fat juicy bead and started catching fish in the deep slots and during high water -- like how I fished for steelhead up north. (2012)
- Hook: Hanak 400BL #8-12.
- Bead: Metallic Pink.
- Thread: 50D GSP white.
- Tail: Australian Possum and pearl pink holographic tinsel along sides.
- Rib: Small oval gold french tinsel.
- Abdomen: Australian possum fur.
- Thorax: Dyed mottled gray Brahma Hen saddle and squirrel body fur in a composite dubbing loop using a Marc Pettijean magic tool or similar tool.
- Collar: Squirrel body hair followed by black hare’s mask fur. Pink glo-brite thread. Optional - tan Brahma Hen added to the dubbing loop.
Best For:
Yellow Belly Knuckle Dragger
Outsmarting the fish by a factor of three. Where a "Cat Turd" or that "Pat's Rubber Legs" will catch fish, this thing will slaughter them!
- Hook: Fulling Mill Jig Force #10-14.
- Bead: Black nickle.
- Thread: 50D GSP whit.e
- Tail: Micro barred grizzly rubber legs, olive.
- Rib: Sulky metallic Silver.
- Abdomen: Hends body glass #39, Light Olive
- Thorax: Hends Spectra #131
- Collar: CDL hen saddle yellow.
- Neck: Spectra #332.
- Legs: Micro barred grizzly round rubber legs, olive. forward projecting legs are twice as long as rear.
Best For:
Yellow Belly Knuckle Dragger - Orange
- Hook: Fullingmill Jigforce #8-16.
- Bead: Tungsten nickle
- Thread: 50D GSP White thread.
- Tail: Grizzly barred rubber legs amber/brown
- Abdomen: Amber half-round body glass over Otange Glo-brite thread. Use a marking pen to add spots on the dorsal(top) side
- Thorax: Pheasant tail brown snowshoe rabbit, rust CDL hen saddle and orange spectra in a composite dubbing loop
- Neck: Fl. orange specra
- Legs: Grizzly barred rubber legs amber/brown