Newbury's Angling Arts
Fly Box - Midges
Midges are available as food for trout on a nearly daily basis and often out-weather many burly mans tolerance for extreme weather.
Bank Maggot
I spent the summer fishing a riffle below a dead horse that dropped maggots into the drift. When I found them in the gastric samples, I chose a white fly.
- Hook: Hanak 333Bl or fullingmill czech
- Bead: White round tungsten.
- Rib: Half round body glass light gray.
- Abdomen: Gray, natural, white snowshoe hare dubbing.
- Thorax: Hends spectra UV rainbow.
Best For:
Deep Haze Perdigone
A gray iridescent mylar and a UV resin coating conspire to create a stunning visual effect that changes color depending on the angle of view.
- Hook: Jig, Jig Supreme, Big Game Jig #10-14.
- Bead: Nickel Tungsten.
- Thread: 50D GSP, white.
- Tail: Dyed red Coq de Leon hackle.
- Rib: Small stainless steel wire.
- Abdomen: Hends perdigones body #34
- Thorax: Touching wraps of the stainless steel wire from the ribbing.
- Collar: true
Best For:
Glam Rocker
My most effective fly..EVER!
- Hook: Fulling Mill Jig Force #18.
- Bead: Nickel slotted tungsten.
- Thread: 50D GSP white.
- Tail: Medium Pardo CDL.
- Abdomen: Golden olive and gray wire wound together.
- Thorax: Spectra #32
Best For:
Goliath Midge
- Hook: Fullingmill Jig Force #16-18.
- Bead: Black nickle slotted tungsten.
- Thread: 50D GSP White thread.
- Rib: Hends perdigone pearl body #34 counter ribbed with small staineless steel wire.
- Abdomen: Dyed gray pheasant tail fibers.
- Thorax: Spectra #15 and UV tracer squirrel #480, natural pine squirrel.
Best For:
Goliath Spring Midge
Matches the big spring midges very nicely.
- Hook: Dohiku #303, 12-18.
- Rib: Hends perdigones pearl body #45 counter ribbed with sm gray wire.
- Abdomen: Dyed gray pheasant tail fibers.
- Thorax: Hends Spectra #47, 901.
- Head: Black
Best For:
Gun Metal Midge
- Hook: Hanak H-390 Klinkhammer.
- Bead: Glass gun metal gray.
- Thread: 30D GSP White thread.
- Rib: Small silver wire.
- Abdomen: Sybai gun metal tinsel.
- Thorax: Spectra #45.
Best For:
Stalcup Emerger
A Shane Stalcup inspired pattern.
- Hook: Dohiku 303 #18.
- Tail: crimped clear hollow midge-lace
- Abdomen: Hends perdigones Pearl Body #45.
- Thorax: Hends spectra #15, Gray.
- Hackle: Grizzly midge saddle feather.
- Wing: Medium dun CDC pulled over and tied down at rear and covered with a dab of spectra #45.
- Legs: grizzly hen neck, clipped top and bottom.